A while back the trailer of the upcoming sex comedy Kya Kool Hain Hum 3 that released online made headlines for its overtly raunchy content. In fact the trailer that was certainly noticed by everyone due to its jaw dropping adult sequences fast became a hot topic of discussion with many people questioning the ethics of making such films. Well now we hear that the makers of the film Balaji Motion Pictures has run into trouble with the Censor Board of Film Certification (CBFC), who have demanded a whopping 150 cuts in the film so as to be granted an ‘A’ certificate.
While we are still unaware of whether these recommended cuts are audio or audio visual, we wonder if the film will be able to live up to the hype that was generated by the trailer that was more than titillating. But another interesting point here is that apparently the trailer that has been doing the rounds via youtube which has crossed over 15,000,000 views, was not the one approved by the CBFC for public viewing.