After "Udta Punjab", Nawazuddin Siddiqui starrer "Haraamkhor" has run into trouble with the censor board, which has declined to give the movie a certificate. Directed by Shlok Sharma, the film chronicles a relationship between a 14-year-old girl (Shweta Tripathi) and her tuition teacher, played by Siddiqui, in a small town.
There were reports that a screening of the film was held recently for the Examining Committee of the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC). The committee, however, declined to pass the movie. When asked about this, producer Guneet Monga of Sikhya Entertainment told PTI, "Yes, they refused to give us a certificate saying that the theme of the film is objectionable. They didn't ask for any cuts, just refused to pass the film, saying that it puts the teachers in a bad light."