“Pyaar ek tarfa nahi ho sakta (love cannot be one-sided),” said Subhash Chandra, Rajya Sabha MP from Haryana and chairman of Zee, on Zindagi putting an end to Pakistani content on the channel. At a press conference here on Tuesday, Chandra and his team announced a new line-up of shows starting October 3 — a roster that comprises Indian series, a few Turkish dramas, and no Pakistani serial.
“It’s an unfortunate decision that we had to take. When we started Zindagi, I promised Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that we will show their content, we did that, the audience here loved it, and these Pakistani actors entered our living rooms. But then something like Pathankot and Uri happen. If you want to fight, fight at the front, do not attack our soldiers when they are sleeping,” said Chandra. He also said the decision was made a day after the Uri attack.