Free Speech Tracker

List of Incidents in Maharashtra -> Censorship -> 2017
Facebook will now personalise restrictions for “objectionable” content you see
Facebook has oft times faced flak for its censorship policies online, struggling to draw the line between responsible censorship and freedom of expression. The social media giant is now looking to adopt a new method to help solve the problem.

Facebook has said it will now allow users to define for themselves what is “objectionable” content, in an effort to personalise censorship to each user’s preference. The new policy, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a post, could help a user understand when they should be reporting content for crossing the line. “The idea is to give everyone in the community options for how they would like to set the content policy for themselves,” he wrote. “Where is your line on nudity? On violence? On graphic content? On profanity? What you decide will be your personal settings. We will periodically ask you these questions to increase participation and so you don't need to dig around to find them.”