Free Speech Tracker

List of Incidents in Delhi -> Threats -> 2017
Anonymous Threat to NDTV’s Ravish Traced to Exporter Followed by Prime Minister Modi
“I’m sad you are alive”, is one among the many messages addressed to NDTV India anchor Ravish Kumar on a WhatsApp group. On September 22, Kumar had put up a post along with multiple screenshots on his Facebook page alleging that a group of people repeatedly add him to a specific WhatsApp group for the sole purpose of abusing him. These screenshots were from the WhatsApp group called “?? ???? ?????? ??????:”.

Kumar stated in his post that even if he exits the group, he’s added back after certain political events and abusive language is used to target him.

Based on the screenshots posted by Kumar, we tried to track down the people targeting him and this is what we found.