Free Speech Tracker

List of Incidents in Delhi -> Censorship -> 2013
55 More Facebook URLs DoT Wants Blocked
New Delhi

You have read about the opaque manner in which the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has gone about trying to block the URLs relating to IIPM.

It turns out that on the same day, on 14.02.2013, it also issued similar instructions about Facebook URLs relating to pages about Afzal Guru.

As in the case of its order about IIPM, this one (No 813-7/25/2011-DS(Vol-II)-I too is signed by Subodh Saxena and does not provide any reasons as to why it "has been decided to immediately decided to block the access" to the listed URLs.

Nor is it clear on what grounds, or under what law, these pages have been sought to be blocked " clearly, DoT's order has not been implemented as the service providers have not been able to block individual Faceboo URLs and they remain accessible.