Shubha Singh
If the Gulf War in 1991was the first televised war, the second war against
Once the war started it was the Internet that has continued to give the most graphic and immediate picture of the war. Television channels were full of the dramatic spectacle of the air attack on
At the same time, bloggers came into their own with the "web logs" or "blogs" -- diary style accounts published on line, provided another source for news. War bloggers have ranged from reporters based in the region writing up a daily chronicle to soldiers giving an account of the day`s events. The most popular blogger has been an Iraqi calling himself Salam Pax with his daily diary of life in
As the war started, an army of hackers became active as well. Angry American hackers knocked out the Al Jazeera website while American government sites have been bombarded with anti-war and anti-Bush messages. American agencies have used emails to target Iraqi generals, sending them messages to surrender and offering them asylum as part of its psychological warfare. Key Iraqi officials and their families were offered huge sums of money to defect.
The initial days were full of stories from the more than 500 "embedded" journalists, Pentagon devised jargon for reporters attached to American units and travelling with them into the war. A large part of the stories filed by the embedded reporters were tinged with the thrill of ridding with the tanks and the fancy military hardware. For a few, the excitement of playing soldiers in the desert, travelling with real soldiers and sharing their rations and travails became the main story. Embedded journalist is an intensely disturbing term that truly denotes a reporter who has been co-opted by the army to report a riveting `from the trenches` kind of soldier`s tale.
It was ultimate reality TV when the footage followed the same line of vision as gun sights held by American soldiers, and wobbled and shook when cameramen jumped at explosions too close to comfort. Close coverage may be compelling viewing but it is not the full picture. It is only the colour snippets of fighting at different points of the battlefront. It does not provide the broad, overall picture of how the war is progressing. Travelling as part of an army unit, an embedded journalist would find it difficult to avoid acting as an army publicist.
However, the videos, the blogs and the Arab channels like Al Jazeera, the
The captured American soldiers had been photographed by an Iraqi journalist who had asked whether the American invasion had been greeted with guns or roses by the Iraqis. It led to angry comments from top American officials over parading of prisoners of War and the Geneva Convention. But western news channels had also shown pictures of bedraggled Iraqi soldiers surrendering, carrying a white flag. A line of Iraqi soldiers was shown walking towards the camera, followed by images of soldiers being body searched and seated behind hastily strung barbed wire. The famous Iraqi surrender stories fizzled out after US officials celebrated the surrender of the 51st Division. It was discovered that the officer taken as the "commander" of the Division was actually a junior officer looking for better treatment by claiming to be a senior officer.
Operation Iraqi Freedom has thrown up new terminology from "embedded" to "decapitation exercise" using an irresistible "target of opportunity" -- a cruise missile strike at the presidential palace that was expected to kill Saddam Hussein before the war began. The terms are meant to dilute the impact of the actions they describe. Certain phrases stick to the mind, in 1991 it was collateral damage that camouflaged the deaths of civilians during the war. In 2003 the top phrase is "shock and awe" that was to have been
The propaganda war has turned vicious. Iraqi TV went off the air when a communications tower was hit in a bomb and missile strike on