The sale of Lata Mangeshkar's"Jayprabha Studio" has been prevented by the film fraternity and the citizens of Kolhapur, after the Maharashtra Times broke the story.
Marathi daily Loksatta has revealed the likely link between a huge donation received by a Minister's trust and the governmental sanctions accorded to the donor.
The real strength of a democracy lies in transparency. The need to maintain secrecy in official interest is not always in public interest.
A no-holds-barred battle between a policeman and a politician becomes masala for the media and rocks the ruling coalition in Maharashtra.
While severely criticizing Congress culture and the party’s narrow political game, ‘Saamna’ has commented that Bachchan is not a political personality.
The High Court has taken cognizance of the investigative series, and recorded a ‘sue moto’ public interest litigation by making the editor a PIL litigant and providing an advocate to him to fight the case.
Marathi newspapers expose corruption and find 60 percent of the employees in Maharashtra¿s agriculture department are unqualified,
Strangely enough money thus earned by way of bribe is invested in the same business of liquor shops owned by those belonging to the prohibition department.
In his editorial Loksatta editor Kumar Ketkar has explained why he published part of autobiography by Pravin Mahajan while others lacked courage to publish it.
Most of the Marathi newspapers have critically interpreted the police action with analysis of the burning issue,