English newspapers in Pakistan are now divided into two prominent sections. There is ‘news of the day’ and then there is ‘my’ news of the day. It’s all about personal opinion. And on television it is self-obsessed histrionics.
Foreign news bureaus in the country are multiplying, but is the foreign media portraying a skewed image of Pakistan or are they simply reporting the reality?
Mis-reporting has been another serious irritant over the past year. It has been virtually impossible to depend on television news for accurate information.
Today, when Benazir Bhutto was due to leave Islamabad to attend a rally in Rawalpindi, there was no way of knowing which areas were cordoned off and which were still accessible. And without TV we are completely unaware about the world exploding just
With its no-holds-barred broadcasts, Pakistani mediaøs new revolution may actually be a cause and not effect of the current crisis.