An extraordinary confrontation between the Bastar Range IG Police SRP Kalluri and the Hindu reporter in Chhattisgarh Pavan Dahat is taking place. In response to this Hindu story Kalluri posted a comment on various WhattsAap groups of reporters, police, and politicians in Chhattisgarh, titled "Heartless Reporting and Meaningless Support." It accuses the reporter of making "a futile attempt to pit the villagers against the police." The IGP's post has comments such as this below it: "By only reading pavan dahat'a article is clearly understood that he is a clear spokesman of maoists of bastar." What's more, a September 17 protest has been announced in Bastar with poster featuring the slain man Dahat reported on, and naming the journalist and suggesting that he was doing this to "increase his TRPs." The protest is billed a "Lalkar Rally" by the Action Group for National Integrity, to drive out Maoists.