The Delhi High Court has restrained IIPM (Indian Institute of Planning and Management) from using the term 'management' for its courses. It has asked the institution to say prominently on its website that it is not recognised by any statutory body or authority. The court referred specifically to the "huge expenditure incurred by it" in publicity in print and electronic media which could have misled students. The story was front page news in the Hindustan Times, had reasonable page 4 display in the Hindu, and got page 8 in the Times of India. The list of newspapers for whom this was not news is long: the Indian Express, Business Standard,and Economic Times.
Corrections: Mint was wrongly included in th list of newspapers which did not carry the news. It had a prominent 4 column story on page 5, and the error is regretted.
Business Standard clarifies: "It is true that the day the High Court order became public, Business Standard failed to carry it because of an internal editorial lapse. But we made amends the following day with a detailed follow-up report on the order."